Story Bird: Sonny
My bird Sonny died.
Our Lovebird, Sonny, was a very cuddly bird, she demanded to be on your lap and made sure you knew you better not refuse! Well, she especially loved my husband and would go to him all the time. One day after work he came in tired and laid down not knowing Sonny had curled up next to him and he smothered her. I can't tell you how right now I get such a sick feeling inside tears and all. Needless to say my husband was devastated and I am not kidding. The children couldn't believe it. I want you to know they always watch to make sure dad is not laying down with our bird Harley. He didn't mean to, but that is what they remember. I was in shock and I had even thought, "Where is Sonny? She is so quiet," I almost went in the room at one point but figured she was with my husband and she was alright...............
So I am
extra into taking care of Harley.
Sonny was our first bird.