Story Bird:
I never
imagined how much joy a bird
could bring to our lives until we
got PJ he was the cutest thing I
had ever seen. Steve and I
treated him as if he was our baby
and in every way he was. Six
months after we brought him home
we decided to get another baby,
we went to our friend and told
her that we were interested in
getting another ringneck and she
told us that she was going to be
getting a lutino in that just
hatched and we jumped at the
chance to have another bundle of
joy brought into our home.
got along perfectly from day one
and we went on with our lives as
a big happy family. They did
everything with us they even went
to the movies once or twice. They
were both well behaved, out going
ringnecks who were always the
center of attention. Both really
loved to give kisses , in fact
that was there favorite thing to
do. Both were talkers among
there favorite things to say
were hello baby, i love you, and
give me kiss. Steve took them to
work almost every day where they
were adored by every one that
came in to his store.
For the
next year we continued on with
our lives and had never been
happier. While eating dinner on
January 12, 2002 our lives were
struck with sorrow, Steve got up
to get some food and looked over
at the cage and found PJ laying
on the bottom of the cage totally
lifeless. Steve picked him up and
handed him to me I cried as I
prayed for God to please take
care of my baby. I placed JOJO
back in his cage as we ran out
the door to rush PJ to the animal
hospital. We cried the whole way
there because we knew it was too
late. As we turned onto the road
where the animal hospital was
located I looked down and
realized that he was gone my poor
baby died in my arms and there
was nothing I could do. We took
him in and they checked him and
verified that he was gone. They
brought him back to us wrapped in
a towel and we went home. We
started the calls to tell
everyone the bad news that is
when we realized that JOJO was
sick too, again we rushed to the
animal hospital this time we
thought that we were in time.
The doctor took JOJO from us and
placed him in an oxygen tank.
They wanted to keep her in the
tank over night and allowed us to
see her. She looked so weak, but
better than when we brought her
in. We asked of they had food
for her for when they got her out
of the tank and they told us no
so Steve and I ran home to get
some food for her, but by the
time we made it back she too had
died. This time we were not there
to say good-bye. Again they
brought her out in a towel and we
returned home. The next day we
had someone come out and check
our house for carbon monoxide.
The results came back from our
basement(with the furnace
running) was 64 ppm. Steve and I
are lucky to be alive
unfortunately PJ and JOJO were
not as lucky.We knew that carbon
monoxide was deadly but we didn't
realize how deadly it is. I never
imagined how much. - Sarah and