Story Bird: Cosmo



We'd had Cosmo for 3 days.  While preheating the oven to make birdy bread, we did not realize there was a non-stick cookie sheet still in the oven.  When we opened the door, we were overwhelmed by smoke and fumes.  My kitchen opens up into my living room, where Cosmo is kept (might as well be one big room).  Thinking quickly, I slammed the oven door shut and had my son remove Cosmo to the outdoors, where they sat together for 45 minutes while I de-fumed the apartment, opening every window and turning on every fan.  When the apartment smelled like nothing more than fresh evening air, I let the boy-child and the bird back in.  Cosmo is well and happy, and the birdy bread turned out great!


Editor's Note:  This story turned out with a "good" ending because of fast thinking. However, it points out the dangers of any non-stick cookware.  These should be removed from any household with pet birds!!